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The UK must act now to remain a gaming industry leader

 The video games industry needs a political desire to nurture a homegrown industry that punches well above its weight on the world stage

The United Kingdom has always been a nation of poets, artists, dreamers, and storytellers. We are also home to some of the finest computer engineers and scientists in the world.

The combination of these two talent pools, against the backdrop of a progressive economic environment, are the key factors which have resulted in the UK being a world leader in the video games industry. This leadership must be protected – it would be foolish for the UK to risk losing its dominance in gaming on the global stage.

Over six times the size of the music industry, and two and a half times the the size of Hollywood, the global video games industry is expected to reach a staggering $455bn this year. In the UK alone there are 27,000 people employed in the industry, across around 2,499 studios, according to the UK Interactive Entertainment trade body. This makes video games one of the UK's most lucrative entertainment sectors.

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