This Triple Pack includes:
3079 - Block Action RPG
3089 - Futuristic Action RPG
4089: Ghost Within
3079 - Block Action RPG
You arrive on a planet experiencing constant war. It is your duty to find out why the warring factions cannot find peace on their own & hopefully restore it yourself.
3089 - Futuristic Action RPG
You are a promising robotic android design, made by the Overlord, placed on planet Xax. Your performance in common combat, support & intel scenarios is being closely evaluated. However, will you become too much for them to handle? What else on planet Xax exists that the Overlord doesn’t know about?
4089: Ghost Within
4089 takes many of the things you loved from 3079 & 3089, like character customization via stat points, grappling hooks, special powers, building options, futuristic settings, random enemies, weapons, and environments. Then, it presents itself in a much more focused game that gets you into the action easier and faster. 4089 takes more influence from the rogue like genre & has more emphasis on stealthy elements than ever before.