From the creators of the Earthworm Jim and The Neverhood games, comes a ground breaking stop motion clay animated adventure game called Armikrog. Based on characters created by Doug TenNapel, the game follows the adventures of a space explorer named Tommynaut and his blind alien talking dog named Beak-Beak as they crash land on a weird planet and end up locked in a mysterious fortress called Armikrog.
The game is being created using classic sculpting, set building and clay & puppet fabrication methods combined with stop-motion animation. Voiceover talent, including well-known actors Jon Heder (Napoeon Dynamite), Rob Paulsen (Pinky and the Brain) and Michael J. Nelson (Mystery Science Theater 3000) bring Armikrog’s characters to life with tongue-in-cheek humor enhanced by the original soundtrack from American songwriter and record producer Terry Scott Taylor.