Grimshade tells the story of the company of heroes, by a twist of fate involved in the cycle of events unfolding in the world of Ree'fah. Numerous dreadful monsters infested the forest around the city of Brann and high walls could no longer protect residents from the attacks. The menacing army of the neighbouring kingdom suddenly landed on the outskirts of the city, wreaking havoc. There is no hope for salvation — the strength of the defenders is running low, but the King and his loyal Champions had vanished.
Series of sudden events and odd coincidences force people to act. Get acquainted with each of the heroes and unite them — entirely different, sometimes bizarre and frightening, with their motives, but one purpose for all — to find out the real causes of what happened to them.
Lead the group of the adventurers on a journey and explore a varied and intricate world, meet new characters and reveal plot-related secrets. Remember, beauty is deceptive — danger lurks everywhere. Test your skills in challenging turn-based battles, adjusting your combat tactics and optimal team combinations for each foe you met on the way.
Key Features
- Seven memorable characters, including Kiba, the dark child, Charlie, the talking sniper badger, Alister, the brave guy with an Ether gauntlet, and Ruby, the princess of the thieves. Each of them has their role (sometimes more than one) on the battlefield and their own mission on a big journey.
- Character development system is based on equipment: each piece of armour, weapon or accessory gives a unique skill to a particular hero, expanding their range of attack types and defensive boosts. Find, trade for, or craft new equipment to improve your characters and make them versatile and adaptable.
- Complex tactical turn-based battles: a variety of elaborate enemies won't let you complete the whole game using a single tactic or invincible team build. Choose wisely the squad you take in a fight — proper positioning and awareness are essential to your success struggling against powerful foes.
- The vivid and diverse world of Ree'fah: immerse yourself in the hand-painted fantasy universe of Grimshade and discover an impressive history in more than 20 hours of an exciting journey
Grimshade’s atmospheric music score was written by the talented musician and composer Ivan Chimaer Galchenko. He roamed the shadows of Ree'Fah together with the darkest creatures that lurk there in search of inspiration for the game's soundtrack.
Ivan, one of our first active social media subscribers, answered our call when we began searching for a composer. He brought in a rough mix of a tune he had composed to his first interview at the studio, taking inspiration from screenshots, art, and game descriptions as well as narrative texts from our community page. The original tune was refined and has become the main theme of the Grimshade score.
Track List
- Main menu theme
- This is how it started
- Deep in the Brann forest
- Sewers
- War theme
- Charlie’s tavern
- Kiba’s Nightmare
- High Brann
- Brann combat theme
- Victory
- Dragon dTick
- Lower Brann
- Shadows in Brann
- Shalla
- Alchemists combat theme
- Try again
- Escape from Brann
- Wailing Horror
- Take that, stump
- Southern Swamps
- Lillypond theme
- Prepare to fight
- Swamp combat theme
- Far Marshes
- Arthu combat theme
- This is not the end
Ivan Chimaer Galchenko
Maria Capparo, Olga LaaliCapparo Koshevaya, Irina Tolmacheva