Delve into the crime-ridden underbelly of South Park with Coon and Friends, this dedicated group of crime fighters formed by Eric Cartman, also known as The Coon. Join Mysterion, Toolshed, Human Kite and a host of others to battle the forces of evil while Coon strives to make his team the most beloved superheroes in history.
In the sequel to the smash hit RPG South Park: The Stick Of Truth. The Fractured But Whole puts players back in the shoes of the new kid as they find themselves stuck in the middle of a super hero civil war between ‘The Coon and Friends’ led by Eric Cartman and ‘The Freedom Pals’ led by Mysterion aka Kenny McCormick.
Buy The Fracture But Whole from us today and you will be transported to South Park Colorado as the whole town has been taken over by superheroes. South Park The Fractured But Whole for PC builds upon the battle system introduced in the stick of truth bringing new features and freedom to each battle. Players can also create their own character and immortalise themselves in the South Park universe if they choose.